I have been thinking about my classes however. (When am I not is the real question). I just wrapped up Art & Fear, and holy cannoli, I had shock face on the entire time. So validating and sooooo sad, and well - inspiring too. That book does it all. I was looking at reviews and some folks really hate it. Reviewers say it's stuff they already knew or that reading detracts from art making. Well - I'm not that reviewer! I think it's great. Thank you David and Ted for articulating something that I struggle with but could not verbalize.
Lately, I've been asking, "who teaches this stuff!?, why don't we teach this stuff?!" I've got to stop looking outside of myself for the magic that I already own.
...The greatest gift you have to offer your students is the example of your own life as a working artist. There's a story told student who asked what courses he would be teaching the following term. Replied Santayana: "Santayana I, Santayana II, and a seminar in Santayana III."-Art & Fear
Yeah. I totally teach Donica I & Donica II.
Now the challenge is to focus. I'm so excited - I feel like I have enough material for Donica University. huh?...not a bad goal, but I'm sure my semester long class will not appreciate that.