It's not you.... it's me... (The Breakup Post)

I don't like commitments... 

What a terrible way to begin a conversation..right!?    Wrong. What an awesome stab at honesty.  I think blogging is cool. You document your thoughts over a period of time and it becomes this catapult for conversation and reflection. Duh - you know that, you read blogs and some of you write them. Hats off to you who nurture this container, commit to posting consistently and sticking with your niche to make it relevant and comforting to your audience. I want to be one of the cool kids!

That's just not me.  I dislike commitment. And I'm going to own that. Breathe easy into that rather than fight  it. 

I've never liked commitments. I left two murals unfinished at my high school. I have tons of "I got something started" artwork from college. My Sims never move into their houses. I don't follow-through on taking photos. I don't plan outfits. and I have restarted this blog 50million times. With the same intention and the same results. 

I like immediate satisfaction. When it feels good to do something - I do it. When it doesn't... I don't bother. So why am I so upset? ... I want an awesome body of work... yes??  or no...? I don't know. 

It's our classic battle - The battle of "Should". I should create a body of work that reflects me. I should participate.

Well - truth is. I don't feel like it. I have this image of the Koi Fish swimming up the waterfall, and I just want to say "dude - turn around. It's not that serious."

yeah. It's not that serious. I'll post when I feel like it. xoxoxox. 


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