Planning Planning Planning. More Planning.

Whoops! Well, I lost track of time. A one day check-out became a week of intense planning. It's getting that time. We're cranking out lessons, and structures, and processes so that we are good and ready August 20th. And as I actually materialize things, I become more motivated to cross the finish line. Al..mossstt.. theerre.

I'm creating a workbook-style packet for each class. Last year, I passed out lessons as we went, but that turned into quite the challenge. Our students have lots of absences. Maternity leave and baby appointments will do that to yah. We also have open enrollment so students arrive in late October!  It was a struggle making sure students got all of their material.  Gathering documents to catch a student up takes away from  instructional time. I don't want that this time around.  This year, I want everything to be outlined and organized for them... and for me. I love those packets you get at conferences....so why not have 'em for class?!

The Syllabus is looking good. hmm. Maybe I'll post that...!? (In this moment I'm realizing that's an awesome idea.)

I'm also adjusting my ideas for the problem solving/cartography class.  I met with our data people and helped identify the specific items we want to show growth in - which is of course good for me to know because I should probably teach that huh? We decided to focus on Rational Problem Solving Skills. How well can students do the following: 

1. Problem Definition and Formulation: Gather facts, identify obstacles, set specific goals. 
2. Generation of alternative solutions
3. Decision Making: consider & compare consequences
4. Solution Implementation and Verification: practice solution, evaluate, go back & try again. 

Really, this specific data isn't asking if students are able to solve their own challenges. It's asking do they have a framework to solve challenges with?  As I read over the 4 steps, it looked very familiar to me.... hmmm? 

*gasp* It's totally the Choose Your Own Adventure Series!!

Yeah. It's going down. Art ...Choose Your Own Adventure..problem solving....map making.....something....Group ..I'm figuring it out. 

I still think making Personal Geographies is a fantastic idea and may use later, but it doesn't quite meet the specific need I'm attempting to address.   

Whew! it's busy over here. Hope yall are well in the middle of July! 


To Be or Not to Be...


I went to grad school because I really wanted to learn about transpersonal counseling. I didn't necessarily want to become a transpersonal counselor.

What do I do now?  I was taught you go and get your LPC. But do I want that? Do I need that? How does this professional thing work? Am I not a real art therapist if I'm not registered? And what communities do I become a part of? They should be mutually beneficial, right?

I wanted to write this insightful post about credentials, but I haven't arrived at anything insightful. I just have a lot of questions.


Clutch Me If You Can*

The glitter rack made it's debut with a lot of sparkle. Today, I gave them labels. I wanted to be really clever... but the fact is, I'm not so clever. Which just proceeded to stress me out.

*Clutch Me If You Can nail color by Essie
No need to reinvent the wheel, right?!  Nail Polish has the most-awesome names ever. They already did the work, why should I? I like Essie, but any brand will work if you're looking for silly & cute names for colors.

I cut out circles on really colorful paper.
 But, my room is getting a little crazy. 
I think it's a good idea to have some white-space


A little Modge-Podge Love

Pepperoni | Carnival | As Gold As It Gets | Action!
Mad Hatter | Case Study | Playdate | Lovie Dovie 
Go Overboard | Nothing Else Metals | Bikini So Teeny | Yellow Polka Dot
Smooth Sailing | Damsel in Dress | Wicked | To Buy Or Not To Buy

July is a time to Re-calibrate

I love July. Not only because it's my birthday month, but because it feels like the middle! Although June is technically our halfway mark to the year, July just feels like a better checkpoint of sorts. And what a great opportunity to evaluate our visions.

This is especially on my mind as I pull up mint.com and realize...where is my money!? Hmm. Looks like I've made some choices that has made my budget very. very. small. Gasp! ughh. and although I'm frustrated that this is the point I've arrived at, this is a perfect time to reflect and re-calibrate.

  • What do you want to accomplish by December?
  • Why do you want to accomplish these things?
    •  ( oh yeah - there was a reason I stopped buying polish at Ulta). 
  • What things are going well that's moving you toward your goals?
  • What's not working so well, and how can you adjust?
So this is awesomely serendipitous because I'm planning a group for the fall: Goal Setting. But of course it's not called Goal Setting because That. Is. B-O-R-I-N-G. and of course - duh. it includes art-making!

Inspired by Personal Geographies, Taking Charge, Tackling the Tough Skills, Lisa Sonora Beam and my own love of vision boards, I'm helping students identify steps in the problem solving process- through cartography. 

Yeah. Cartography. Neat!
I first fell in love with maps reading My Father's Dragon
There will be castles, and mermaids, and treasures, and monsters, and ..well, more stuff. I'm in the middle of tinkering.  

But what perfect timing because of course -good instruction always includes a model example. and who better to do one than me! I'm also taking volunteers to test this out with me. Who wants to make a ___________?! (hmm. I need a cool name...) 
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